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Joe Pivetti's Writings

I enjoy reading science fiction, fantasy and non-fiction, so I asked myself, "why not write some?"

Sgt. Joe

I was looking through some old CD's and on one I had saved the beginnings of a short story.  When I decided to retire, it seemed appropriate to try to finish this story to some degree (three pages, minimal plot, minimal words, little character development and almost no setting but it's a start).  I will attach it as an html file for now but perhaps I might change it to an epub file later as it's easier to read files on an e-book reader.  Here ya go...Sgt. Joe.


I want to try to put some humor on a blog at filbertisanut.blogspot.com and he will also live here on this website...Filbert.

Stories by Joe Spaghetti

As part of my doodles section, you will find "prose" that I wrote when the boys were younger and I was inspired by Dr. Seuss...StoriesByJoeSpaghetti.


Hopefully when I'm retired I will get a chance to write some non-fiction (perhaps in essay or journal form...later)...non-fiction.


I will likely have some non-fiction in my professional site (later)...jp4engineering.com.


"Writing requires words and words require letters, so buy lots of stamps."
- Solomon Tall (8/8/2015)

more Tall-isms here

Copyright © 2015 by Joe Pivetti      (reproduction of this site contents is allowed only for non-commercial applications and with a link back to this site home page)